
National Essential Drug system retrogression rather than a planned economy

National Essential Drug system retrogression rather than a planned economy

9 departments, such as the Ministry of Health issued on the 18th "on the establishment of national essential drug system views", officially launched the state's basic drug system building.

The building of the state's basic drug system, which means that the Government in the field of public services to take greater responsibility and role, from the start of such a system,
the establishment of an effective and specific medical services and protection to all citizens has been able to afford disease, affordable medicines, in order to reduce the public health at the time involving a heavy burden.

In particular, the construction of national essential medicines is to change the system "to complement the medical drugs" mechanism, so that people do not have your medicine can cure diseases, at the same time to achieve the scientific selection of essential drugs,
and regulate production and distribution of drugs to ensure that safe and effective drugs, such as the three major目标. System of nation-building of essential drugs is certainly not a market economy from planned economy to the back, which is essentially under the guidance of the government to play the market mechanism to achieve the World Health Organization to ensure that the goal of universal health care and learn from all countries in the world in health care advanced experience, as well as the combination of the conditions of our country to achieve universal health care.

World Health Organization in September 1978 in Alma-Ata International Conference on Primary Health Care General Assembly adopted the "Declaration of Alma-Ata", clearly the primary health care is to achieve "in 2000 Health for All." Although this goal in the new millennium has not fully realized in all countries, but in 2008,
the World Health Organization in the commemoration of "Declaration of Alma-Ata," the 30th anniversary of when a health care should be fair and efficient new millennium objectives.

To accomplish this goal, the implementation of national essential drugs is a necessity to develop measures. Because the basic drug is able to meet the needs of the majority of the population, at all times to ensure sufficient supply of the quantity and dosage form, and the price can be accepted for individuals or for society to affordable medicines.

From the development of world health,
the essential drugs system is prevailing all over the world for all people to afford a system to protect not only the World Health Organization list of essential drugs have a total of 312 kinds, the world's 166 countries, no matter what the social system are the implementation of a basic drug system, a number of essential drugs is only a small number. Essential drugs, such as Australia's system of medicine about the size of about 600.

For a large population of China, the establishment of a national essential drug system is even more meaningful, especially in the current China, your doctor, doctor's difficult circumstances, it is of great significance.

The establishment and implementation of national system of essential drugs to reduce drug prices, changes to the medical situation of drug dependents. Of course, the establishment of essential drugs and make the country the system will also have other benefits. For example, can increase the availability of essential medicines
toaddress the problem of drug shortages, but also the progressive realization of rational drug use, cost-effective use of drugs to improve clinical and clinical drug delivery rates, to curb the abuse of over-treatment and antibiotics and so on.

However, the establishment and implementation of a national essential drugs system and will not be smooth, will face some difficulties. For example, the establishment and implementation of a national essential drugs system is a process that may take a few years time, in the short term can not achieve instant results, and so can not quickly reduce the price. Therefore,
the public should be rational understanding. As a result of the establishment and implementation of a basic drug system, could also affect the survival of part of pharmaceutical companies. In this case, the first government to have adequate segregation of estimates and the second is related businesses should establish a long-term view and actively participate in drug production and circulation integration of enterprise resource optimization.

Of course, the basic drug system to be successful, the directory to ensure that drugs do revision and adjustment of scientific impartiality is the key. In other words,
the variety of essential drugs should be carried out in accordance with the realities of dynamic adjustment, at the same time to remove all non-medical factors. At the same time, the Government of essential drugs to the procurement, tendering, supply, storage, distribution, etc.for effective management and supervision system to ensure simple and practical system of essential drugs, essential drugs in order to allow the implementation of the system of scientific and standardized, to the use of essential drugs safe and effective, reliable quality and reasonable price.

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